Bar Theme Color for Mobile Templates

Hello my friend Ramaibeud, What are you doing today? It seems to be busy editing the edit template yes, Okay, This time Ramaibeud will make a tutorial on How to create theme color bar for mobile template on blogspot.

Previously you must already know what the theme bar color, but for those who do not know will the author explain below.

Theme Color Bar is a background color created by mobile browsers. And for each mobile browser is certainly different way setting.

To make your theme color bar in need to add color schema meta tag on the head of your template. Approximately like this is meant by the theme color bar.

Then like what and how to write meta color schema tags to work on the theme color bar? Well, let's look down again.

Here is an example of writing a meta tag code to create a theme color bar on your blog template.

<!-- Bar theme color -->
<meta content='#CC3278' name='theme-color'/>
<meta content='#3BB53D' name='msapplication-navbutton-color'/>
<meta content='#FFD026' name='apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style'/>

Add the color schema meta tag above just above the code <b:skin/>for the blogspot template.

But if you use wordpress platform, the above code you can add in the code that is in the same code line meta tags.

For wordpress templates you can search the head of the header.php file.

Now please try and see the result whether it works or not. If not successful can also return to this article or contact me via google plus.

So a little tutorial article on how to create theme color bar for mobile template on blogspot and wordpress. Hopefully useful and useful for us all.
Akhwan Beud
Hanya orang biasa yang suka dengan dunia blogging. Mengelola lebih dari 350 Blog yang tersebar di berbagai Negara.

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